You will see a sticker that says Hondo and also lists the model of the guitar, such as H 155 or H 18-12. Look in the sound hole of a Hondo acoustic guitar.

In time, that part may be replaced, so you may not see an H, but it was on the originals. Serial numbers which start with 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 & 1, and are 6 digits long are most likely to be a solid body, all bar a few 4 digit serial numbers were LP Juniors or Gibson Specials from 1958. Hondos with bolt-on necks had joint plates decorated with a big H on them. A 6 digit serial number is solid-bodied guitars produced from the years: 1955, 1956, 1959, or 1960. Look at the back of the electric guitar at the neck joint. If it says that it is made in Mexico, Indonesia or some other country, it is not a Hondo. The vast majority of Hondos were made in Korea. Look at the back of the headstock to see where the guitar was made. Some models put the name on the truss rod cover instead of the headstock end. Look at the truss rod cover located on the headstock. Hondo guitars will say Hondo or Hondo II on the headstock, usually in gold lettering. Regardless of the model, however, there are several easy ways to identify a Hondo guitar. While most early Hondos were knockoffs of other popular guitar models from Fender and Gibson, the ‘80s saw Hondo introducing their own models. They were generally regarded as being a little better. In the late ‘70s, some Hondo models went into production in Japan. The quality from Korea was considered subpar, but the prices kept Hondo in business. Hondo guitars started in Texas in the late 1960s, teaming up with the Korean company Samick to manufacture guitars to American specifications, at low prices spurred by cheap Korean labor. Guitar museum is a free webspace, listing a collection of 44516 guitars. Hondo guitar serial number search - CAN U PLEASE TELL ME WHO INVENTED THE GUITAR.THANKS. Japan or Korean and its date, I believe it's circa 1. Hi, I've just brought a Hondo guitar It's a Hondo revival model number H9. Hondo guitar information, hondo guitar, gibson 3.